July 30, 2013

Orbital Sound Installs Clear-Com HelixNet Partyline at Royal Albert Hall

Photo Credit: visitlondon.com
HelixNet Partyline
Orbital Sound, Clear-Com's UK distributor in the Live Event/Live Performance market, has recently installed a Clear-Com HelixNet digital network partyline intercom system at the Royal Albert Hall. The cost-effective intercom solution was ideal to create a large-scale communications network.

Read the full story here: Orbital Sound Installs Clear-Com HelixNet System at Royal Albert Hall

July 25, 2013

ICON Application: Connecting Cities

Today's productions are becoming more complex as facilities need intercom connectivity between multiple locations. It is crucial that the production teams have a seamless connection, whether they are in the same building or in a different country. Clear-Com's ICON Connectivity Solutions help bridge the communication connections, regardless of distance, for any given situation.

Here's a real life example of where ICON can help:

A Clear-Com user asks, "I have a TV station in one city and a sister station in another city, and we need to link these locations. What should I do?"

Eclipse HX Matrix Intercoms
Answer: You can use your Eclipse HX matrix system in City A and link it to your Eclipse HX matrix in City B through the VoICE 2.0 interface, which connects 4-channels of 4-wire circuits over IP. On our larger matrix frames, such as the Eclipse HX-Omega, HX-Median, and HX-Delta, we have the IVC-32 card for efficient IP connectivity. 
If you already have a partyline intercom system (2-wire), you can connect to this using additional products. The IF4W4 is a 2-to 4-wire converter. This will allow you to tap into all your existing channels of partyline. Or, if you only want to connect to individual channels, then you can choose the EF-701M.

To learn more about ICON products, visit: http://www.clearcom.com/product/icon

July 18, 2013

Private Company Makes History and Changes the Future of Space Travel with the Help of Intercom-over-IP

Driven to transform space transportation and to one day enable people to live on other planets, SpaceX designs, manufactures, and launches the world's most advanced rockets and spacecraft. It is also the fastest- growing provider of launch services, performing commercial and government satellite launches as well as completing critical NASA missions to deliver cargo to the International Space Station.  To carry out their work, the SpaceX staff rely on Clear-Com Concert, an intercom-over-IP solution, to communicate with each other across different geographies and time zones.

Space transportation
3000+ staff members
Hawthorne, CA headquarters

Maximizing productivity
Enterprise-wide communication
Rapid expansion

200 Clear-Com Concert Licenses

Enhanced enterprise-wide teamwork
Achieved significant cost savings and performance
Improved continuity of knowledge-sharing and operations
Higher employee satisfaction and lower resource expenditure

Nearly 40 upcoming launches, including 10 cargo missions to the space station
Carry crew to space on Dragon spacecraft

July 15, 2013

Clear-Com: Problem Solver at 2013 Hangout Music Fest

Clear-Com's HME DX210 wireless intercom was used by the John Lennon Bus production team as well as students from the University of Alabama and McGill Toolen Catholic High School at the 2013 Hangout Music Festival in Alabama. Watch the video below to get an in-depth look into one of the best benefits of utilizing any Clear-Com system: problem solving! Especially when in the middle of a live production, the ability to communicate properly without disrupting the broadcast is invaluable.

For more information about Clear-Com and the John Lennon Bus:
John Lennon Bus Coordinates Live Broadcasts with Clear-Com at SXSW 2013
Clear-Com's HME DX210 Hits the Road with the John Lennon Tour Bus

July 11, 2013

Speaking of Communication

In TVB Europe's latest industry forum, Philip Stevens discussed current studio and broadcast communications issues with several industry experts, including Simon Browne, Clear-Com's Director of Product Management. Find out more about what broadcasting challenges exist and how 'the cloud' plays a part on pg. 42 of TVB Europe's June 2013 issue.

July 9, 2013

Studiotech Goes Compact for OBs

Photo credit: Studiotech

Melanie Dayasena-Lowe, Editor of TVB Europe, traveled to Paris to visit one of Studiotech's new compact OB production vehicles dedicated to the African broadcast market. Read more about what she had to say regarding the OB van's installation, which includes Clear-Com: Studiotech Goes Compact for OBs

July 3, 2013

June 2013 Trade Show Wrap-Up!

Here are some key highlights from our trade shows in June!

 InfoComm     (June 12-14, 2013, Orlando, Florida)

InfoComm is the world’s largest pro-AV trade show and brings together more than 35,000 professionals, 925 exhibiting companies and over 300 education sessions from the industry’s most respected experts. 

At this show, Clear-Com made several exciting product announcements regarding its Eclipse HX matrix intercom, HelixNet Partyline, new RS-701 beltpack and Tempest wireless intercoms.

Eclipse HX
Press Release: Clear-Com Eclipse HX-Delta is Now Shipping Worldwide 
Video: Eclipse HX Product Overview

HelixNet Partyline
Press Release: Clear-Com Releases New HelixNet Partyline System Linking Capability at InfoComm 2013
Video: HelixNet Partyline with Network Linking Product Overview

RS-701 Beltpack 
Press Release: Clear-Com Unveils Next Generation 700 Series Analog Beltpacks at InfoComm 2013

Press Release:Clear-Com Presents Upgrades to Its Tempest Digital Wireless Intercoms at InfoComm 2013
Video: Tempest2400 with Seamless Roaming Product Overview

We also had a popular t-shirt raffle in which we gave away one Clear-Com t-shirt per hour! Check out our Twitter page (@clearcomsystem) to find out who the winners were! 

Don't forget to watch the various application videos that we featured at the show as well:
Stadium/Arena (HelixNet Partyline and Optocore interfaces)
Performing Arts Center (Eclipse HX-Delta and Tempest2400)
House of Worship (Eclipse HX and HelixNet Partyline)

Clear-Com also exhibited at the Broadway Sound Master Classes (June 7-8, 2013, New York City, New York) and demonstrated its HelixNet Partyline system. In Asia, Clear-Com made its presence known at PALM China Expo (June 7-10, 2013, Beijing, China) as well as Broadcast Asia (June 18-21, 2013, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore).
Read more: Clear-Com Highlights Latest Broadcast Intercoms at Broadcast Asia 2013